1.1. Essential vocabulary list


Nouns: incident, at a glance, surface, surface effects, brilliance, (Japanese) prints, workmanship, sketch, sketchiness, scene, reproduction of sensible and perceptive truth, a feeling of immediacy, abolition of chiaroscuro


Verbs: reflect from, appear (to the eye), apply (paint), revolutionize (painting), frame (space), favour, set (to be set in), be transferred on to (canvas), capture (moments of relaxation, reality)


Adjectives: shimmering, vibrating, spontaneous, sunlit, immediate, atmospheric, visible, colourful, misty, inconstant, ever-changing (reality)


Adjective-adverb combinations: constantly moving (reality), completely new (style)


Colour and light: colour (pure, brilliant, divided colour technique, chromatic changes, touches of colour, be spread in broad swathes or small touches), light (natural, shimmering, atmospheric, variation in light, at the precise moment of light, infinite vibrations and refractions), strokes (individual, visible, swift, free)