Научные труды

Ochirkhuu T.
Munkhjargal S.
Khuukhenkhuu B.
Bymbasuren T.
Ochirbat G.
Enkhzul B.
The Using Natural Organic Matter for the Removal Heavy Metals from Contaminated Soil by Electro Kinetic Processes // НАНОМАТЕРИАЛЫ И ТЕХНОЛОГИИ - VI: Труды VI Международной конференции «Наноматериалы и технологии», V Международной конференции по материаловедению и II Международной конференции по функциональным материалам (22.08.2016 – 26.08.2016, Улан-Удэ). Научный редактор: Сызранцев В. В. , Дамдинов Б. Б., - Улан-Удэ: Издательство Бурятский государственный университет, 2016. - С. 119-121.
The Using Natural Organic Matter for the Removal Heavy Metals from Contaminated Soil by Electro Kinetic Processes
The Using Natural Organic Matter for the Removal Heavy Metals from Contaminated Soil by Electro Kinetic Processes
This work presents the results of removal Pb, Cd, Cu, Zn from mixed soil with natural organic absorbent as gumat and cow manure by electrokinetic processes. By electrokinetic experiment it has been observed that the total contents of Pb, Cd, Cu, Zn in the experimentals soils samples were increased depending on electrodes and organic matter mix.The molecularabsorption spectrums of hydroxyl, carbonil, carboxyl and phenolic groups arising, shifting and disappear in contaminated soil, soil: gumat, soil: manure mixed samples by treated EK processes.
organic matter in soil, soilelectro kinetic remedation, heavy metals in soil, cow manure
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5.Ochirkhuu Ts., The possibility of using electrokinetic remediation method for treatment soil pollution with heavy metals in Ulaanbaatar city. Master’s dissertation UB 2015

6.Дину М.И. Взаймодействия ионов металлов в водах с гумусовыми глееподземных почв. Геохимия. 2015 №3 с. 276-288

7.YuGe ZHAHG, Shan YANG, and others. Sheep manure application increases soil exchangeable base cations in a semi-arid steppe of Inner Mongolia. 2015Jal.xjegi.com:www.springer.com/40333

8.Sharon R.Jean-Philippe, Nicole Labbe, Jennifer A. Franklin, Amy Johnson. Detection of mercury and other metals in mercury contaminated soils using mid-infrared spectroscopy. Proceedings of the International Academy of Ecology and Environmental Sciences, 2012, 2(3):139-149.