Question-outline of the description


General data

Is the picture widely known? What is its title? Whom is it executed by? (Whose brush does it belong to?)


The painter and the art school he represents

Is the painter famous or hardly known to the general public? What art school does he belong to? What other painters represent the same trend? What is the trend based on (aimed at)? What are the most peculiar features? What are the peculiarities of the painter’s style and manner? What is his main contribution to the world (national) art? In what genres did the artist employ himself? What other masterpieces by this painter do you happen to know?


The subject-matter of the picture and its arrangement

Is the choice of the subject-matter( model) typical of the painter? What is it based on? Is it of primary importance? Is the arrangement carefully planned? Why? (What is it aimed at?)


The message

What does the author strive to depict on his canvas? What idea is the picture permitted with? What means does the painter employ to achieve the message?


Colouring. Light and shade work. Technique.

In what colour scheme is the picture executed? What are the primary colours of the picture? What effect is produced by this definite preference of colours? How is it coordinated with the implication of the picture? What role does the light play? Why has the painter resorted to such a chiaroscuro? Has the artist worked out his personal technique? What is its aim? Are the brushmarks clear and distinct or smooth and invisible or dots or dashes? Has the artist used thick or thin paint? Why do you think he has done so?


The impression the work produces

Do you enjoy looking at picture? If so, why? What general impression does the work leave? Would you recognize it as a masterpiece? As a genuine piece of painting? Why?