Terms Used in Discussing a Picture:


A painter may have: a realistic approach to life, a psychological approach to the subject, a deep insight into the human character, a great artistic skill, a perfect technique, a distinct artistic individuality, an individual way of handling pigment, a marvelous power of sight expression, bold technique, good eye memory, a tenacity of minor details, a gift for drawing, a rhythmical brush work, loftiness of imagination, a strong feeling of realism, a keen eye for smth, a realistic method, an unnerving power of visual memory, good taste for forms, an artistic approach, a perfect method.


A painter  can : paint closely to nature, paint from nature, work from model, work in pencil, employ himself in portrait ( some other) painting,  convey his ideas in his works, expose the dark sides of life, reveal a person’s nature, portray joys and sorrows of a little man, follow the ( new-established) trend, be distinguished by a talent for smth, rank side by side  with( such artists as) , achieve good results, depict a place( genre, scene) dedicate himself to portraying battle scenes, be represented at the exhibition by his best canvases, present a good example of his style in some pictures, attach importance to every detail, convey a sense of space, render the living moving quality  of nature, use( broken) touches of colour, use pleasing light tones, win love and gratitude of spectators.


A picture (canvas) may be : realistic in treatment, political in purpose, of high artistic standard( value), true to the traditions of realism, an exquisite piece of painting, done stiffly and unnaturally, show a decline in pictorial art, speak for itself, display an average talent, display a lack of feeling, render magnificent colour sense, harmonious in tone and form, distinguished by sense of colour and composition, remarkable for the freedom of arrangement( rhythmic flow of lines, feeling of beauty)  a faithful representation of, painted with sober tones, in close communion with nature, the graduation of light and shades, play of colours.