Disrobing of Christ or El Expolio

Prompt 2

El Greco’s style    -   

the pictorial discipline of the icon maker reduced the colour and drawing of figures and nature to strong, clear patterns, to have influenced certain of El Greco’s conception ideal of religious expression.

primacy of imagination and intuition, the subjective character of creation, fundamental principle discarded classicist criteria such as measure and proportion.

The Disrobing of Christ  -

the summer of 1577,  the spring of 1579, the Cathedral of Toledo

Subject -

Christ looking up,  serenity, his idealized figure, dressed in black in the background

Colour -                           

a bright red robe; concentrated the full expressive force of his art.

Composition -  

designing the composition vertically and compactly, the desire to show the oppression of Christ by a method of space elimination, middle and late 16th-century Mannerists