Genre painting in Russian Critical Realism


It was genre painting that the Itinerants favoured above all other forms as the one best suited for discussing the most urgent social problems of the day. Their genre pictures touched upon themes borrowed from private as well as public life and were always profoundly democratic and psychological. They were an encyclopedia of Russian life of that time, describing as they did the social position of various strata of the population.

An important innovation in the genre painting of the Itinerants was the large multifigure composition where the crowd, in all its diversity of faces and characters, was brought to the forefront as the protagonist of the piece. Common people were depicted by them with a deep understanding of the burden of poverty and oppression they were to bear.

Some of the itinerant genre paintings are lyrical, devoted to love, motherhood ad friendship.


History Painting


        The history painting of the Itinerants was characterized by their fundamentally new approach to it. Their works spoke truthfully about events in the history of Russia. The artists tried to get a deep insight into their characters’ nature, to reveal the patriotism inherent in the national character and portray the courageous deeds performed for the sake of the people and for the progress and independence of the Motherland. Many of their works were devoted to the popular movements of the Russian history. Their forms are often monumental.