Exercise 1. Get together with another student and practise the spelling and pronunciation of the following:
Крепостное право, просвещение, эстетический, псевдо, цензура, престиж, канон, коммуна, эрозия, кредо, расторжение, наследуемый, безжалостно.
Exercise 2. Read out the words and their derivatives with proper word stress:
Aristocratic aristocracy, sincere sincerity, progress to progress, hostile hostility, deep depth, antique antiquity, exhibit exhibition, control to control, proud pride
Exercise 3. Give English variants to:
Отражать чаяния народа, изображать широту народной души, быть значимым в художественно образовательном отношении, будить в зрителях чувство, политическое по цели и реалистичное по трактовке, устраивать выставки, бунт, быть лишенным, репрессии, высокомерие, высокие церковные чины, новаторский подход, разрыв, провозглашаемый (исповедуемый).
NOTE: Check your answers with the key.
Exercise 4. Fill in the blanks with proper prepositions:
1. The new trend art had as its basis the spirit of democracy.
2. Those were years of struggle serfdom the rights of the Common man.
3. The language of their art was realistic and understandable all.
4. Works produced the Academy walls or its approval were the most part episodes from the Bible, classical or European history and mythology.
5. The heroes and events of antiquity were viewed as a kind of aesthetic ideal and were therefore devoid any sense of actuality.
6. Dissatisfaction the academic system gradually gained hold both the public and among the Academys students.
7. 14 most illustrious undergraduates led Ivan Kramskoy left the Academy without graduating protest against the old Academic canons when they were denied a free choice of the subject matter for their graduation canvases.
8. They organized the Petersburg Association (Artel) of Artists, a kind of commune, which broke several years later, to give rise a second and more powerful democratic union of artists, independent the Academy the Society of Travelling Art Exhibitions.
9. The pictures were realistic treatment and often political purpose.
10. The art of the Itinerants was inspired by a great love for their country and it contributed the strengthening of peoples pride their native land and the growth of their self-consciousness.
11. There were frank discussions each others works and critical comments were accepted due regard. The atmosphere that reigned in the Society contributed greatly the success of the Itinerants.
12. The Society members were subjected administrative persecution, strict censorship and vicious attacks the reactionary press. the other hand, well aware the Academys diminishing prestige and erosion of its principles, the government tried to subordinate the Society the Academy
13. Their art, directed the existing social order for freedom and democracy was received contempt and hostility by the authorities.
14. It led the weakening of their ties the Society and some instances a complete breach it.