МОНГОЛ УТГА ЗОХИОЛ ДАХЬ СЭТГЭЛ ЗҮЙН НЭГЭН ӨГҮҮЛЭМЖИЙН УЛАМЖЛАЛ ШИНЭЧЛЭЛИЙН АСУУДАЛД // Банзаровские чтения: материалы международной научной конференции, посвя щенной 200-летию со дня рождения Д. Банзарова и 90-летию БГПИ — БГУ (30.03.2022 – 31.03.2022, Улан-Удэ). Научный редактор: В. В. Номогоева, Ответственный редактор: О. Н. Полянская, - Улан-Удэ: Издательство Бурятский государственный университет, 2022. - С. 355-366.
The social change atmosphere in Mongolia during the 1990s affected all social and psycho-logical spheres and condemned the tendency of literary studies to value literature in terms of so-cial, political, and ideological roles and had given the chance to study literature in terms of artis-tic and aesthetic dimensions. In the literature of every nation, there are several novels that are purely fictional, often adventurous, and based on psychological fears. In Mongolian literature, writings with psychological motives (horror novels) have developed into some types of oral and written literature. Horror literature, which has a long tradition in the history of Western and East-ern literature in general, and fiction, has developed to a certain extent in the literature of each nation in accordance with the laws of development. Mongolian contemporary literature had been stagnant for some time due to social and contemporary circumstances, but since the 1990s it has been enriched with new content and developed into all genres of literature. The following fac-tors contributed to the development of the genre. Those are: 1) old tales, historical and mytho-logical narratives that retain documentary feature of folklore; 2) ancient literary heritage, and novels with the content about hell and jinn have become a source for the literary development. The emergence of a novel with a psychological state (horror fiction) that enriches the diversity of Mongolian literature is a new development in literature.
Монголын утга зохиол, уламжлал, шинэчлэл, аймшгийн уран зохиол