Научные труды

Wang Tianbao
ON THE TURKIFICATION IN CENTRAL ASIA // Синология в XXI в.: материалы международной научной конференции (11.07.2022 – 13.07.2022, Улан-Удэ). Ответственный редактор: Ветлужская Л. Л., - Улан-Удэ: Издательство Бурятский государственный университет, 2022. - С. 74-82.
94(5-015)  10.18101/978-5-9793-1802-8-2022-74-82
"Central Asia" is not only a concept of physical geography, but also a concept of
cultural region and geopolitics, and has a narrow and broad sense. At present, the common
term "Central Asia" refers to Central Asia in a narrow sense, whi ch is closely related to the
political and economic fields, namely, the "five Central Asian countries". Historically, the
region has been affected by Turkization for a long time. In the 6th century, Turks first e s-
tablished and ruled in Central Asia, which was the warm up stage of Turkization in Central
Asia. In the 7th century, Arabs moved eastward to promote the integration between Central
Asian people and Turks, which was the initial stage of Turkization in Central Asia. In the
11th century, the Turkic dy nasty represented by the Karahan Khanate replaced the rule of
the Iranian language group in Central Asia, and the Turkization of Central Asia stepped i n-
to an accelerated stage. In the 15th century, the Mongols were also Turkized in the process
of ruling Ce ntral Asia, and Central Asia Turkization entered the formation stage.
Central Asia; Five Central Asian countries; Turks; Turkification.
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