Научные труды

Луцык В. И.
«Почин генома материалов», «Проект генома материалов» и генотип материалов // НАНОМАТЕРИАЛЫ И ТЕХНОЛОГИИ - VI: Труды VI Международной конференции «Наноматериалы и технологии», V Международной конференции по материаловедению и II Международной конференции по функциональным материалам (22.08.2016 – 26.08.2016, Улан-Удэ). Научный редактор: Сызранцев В. В. , Дамдинов Б. Б., - Улан-Удэ: Издательство Бурятский государственный университет, 2016. - С. 218-220.
«Почин генома материалов», «Проект генома материалов» и генотип материалов
"Materials genome Initiative", "Materials Genome Project" and Materials Genotype
Supported by the program of fundamental research SB RAS (project 0336-2014-0003) and partially supported by the

Russian Foundation for Basic Research (projects 14-08-00453, 15-43-04304).
544.016.5  10.18101/978-5-9793-0883-8-218-220
Проанализировано происхождение терминологии по наследственности материалов. Термины “проект генома материалов” и “инициатива генома материалов” возникли в 2008 и 2011 гг., а “гетерогенный дизайн” и “генотип гетерогенного материала” - в 1998 и 2001 гг.
Origin of terminology on materials heredity has been analyzed. Keywords “materials genome project” and “materials genome initiative” appeared in 2008 and 2011, and “heterogeneous design” and “genotype of heterogeneous material” − in 1998 and 2001.
геном материалов, генотип, наследственность, гетерогенный дизайн (ГД), концентрационный поля,
фазовая диаграмма (ФД), траектории фаз, схема кристаллизации, микроструктура, конкуренция кристаллов различной размерности
materials genome, genotype, heredity, heterogeneous design (HD), concentration fields, phase diagram (PD), trajectory of phases, crystallization scheme, microstructure, crystals of different sizes competition
1. Lutsyk V.I. Materials Genome and Nanotechnologies // Nanomaterials and Technologies: Proceed. 5th International

Conference (Ulan-Ude, August, 27-29, 2014). Ulan-Ude: BSU Publ. Department. 2014. P. 176-183.

2. Lutsyk V.I., Vorob'eva V.P. Heterogeneous Design: Concentration Fields Determination with the Unique Crystallization

Schemes and Microstructures // MRS Proceed. 2003. V. 755. P. 227-233.

3. Lutsyk V.I., Zyryanov A.М. Microstructures design in the ternary systems with the only solubility gap // Ibid. 2004. V. 804. P. 279-283.

4. Lutsyk V.I., Vorob'eva V.P. Heterogeneous Design: Structural Diagrams of Ternary Systems // Ibid. 2004. V. 804. P. 321-


5. Lutsyk V.I., Vorob’eva V.P. Phase and Structural Diagrams for Inorganic Materials Microstructures Design // Electrochemical Society Proceed. 2004. V. 2004-11. P. 204-213.

6. Lutsyk V.I., Vorob'eva V.P. Domains with the Reaction Type Change in the 3-Phase Regions of the Ternary Salt Systems // Ibid. 2004. V. 2004-24. P. 141-150.

7. Lutsyk V.I., Vorob’eva V.P., Zyryanov A.M. Contradictions between 3-phase region eutectical and peritectical fragments borders determination methods in monographs by A.Prince and D.Petrov // J. of Guangdong Non-Ferrous Metals. 2005. V. 15. No 2,

3. Р. 174-178.

5. Lutsyk V.I., Zelenaya A.E., Savinov V.V. Melt solidification in the ceramic system CaO-Al2O3-SiO2 // IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 2011. V. 18. No 11. http://iopscience.iop.org/1757-899X/18/11/112005/pdf/1757-899X_18_11_112005.pdf.

6. Lutsyk V.I., Zelenaya A.E., Savinov V.V. Phase Trajectories in CaO-Al2O3-SiO2 melts // Crystallography Reports. 2012. Vol. 76. No 7. P. 71-74.

7. Lutsyk V.I., Nasrulin E.R. Competition of Primary and Eutectic Crystals in Invariant and Univariant Reactions // Crystallography Reports. 2012. V. 57. No 7. P. 106-110.

8. Lutsyk V., Zelenaya A., YaZhou Dai. Li,Na,K,La||F System for Molten Salt Reactor: 3D and 4D Computer Models // Advanced Materials Research. 2013. Vol. 704. P. 349-352.

9. Lutsyk V.I., Vorob’eva V.P. 3D computer models of Mo-Zr-V, Ti-C-V, Ti-Ir-Ru T-x-y diagrams with three-phase reaction type changing // Scientific Journal “Proceedings of the International Conference NANO Materials: Applications & Properties”.

2013. V. 2. № 4. P. 04NAESP07-1 – 04NAESP07-4.

10. Lutsyk V.I., Zelenaya A.E. Ternary Systems for the Liquid Immiscibility Gap Technology // Ibid. P. 04NAESP09-1 –


11. Lutsyk V., Zelenaya A. Crystallization Paths in SiO2-Al2O3-CaO System as a Genotype of Silicate Materials // IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 2013. V. 47. 012047. http://iopscience.iop.org/1757-899X/47/1/012047/pdf/1757-899X_47_1_012047.pdf. 1-4.

12. Lutsyk V., Vorob'eva V. New Phase Regions of Ir-Ru-Ti System with Eutectic-Peritectic Transformation // Ibid. 012049.


http://iopscience.iop.org/1757-899X/47/1/012049/pdf/1757-899X_47_1_012049.pdf. P. 1-4.

13. Lutsyk V.I., Vorobeva V.P., Sumkina O.G., Tsyngeev B.V. Three-Phase Reaction Type Changing in Mo-Zr-V and Ti-Ir-Ru

Systems // IFAC Proceedings Volumes (IFAC-PapersOnline). 2013. 15 (Part 1). P. 365-370.

14. Lutsyk V., Zelenaya A. Crystallization Paths and Microstructures in Ternary Oxide Systems with Stoichiometric Compounds

// Solid State Phenomena. 2013. V. 200. P. 73-78.

15. Lutsyk V., Zelenaya A., Parfenova M. Solidification Paths in the Ceramic Systems // Advanced Materials Research. 2013. V.

704. P. 173-178.

16. Lutsyk V., Zelenaya A., YaZhou Dai. Li,Na,K,La||F System for Molten Salt Reactor: 3D and 4D Computer Models // Advanced Materials Research. 2013. V. 704. P. 349-352.

17. Lutsyk V.I., Vorob'eva V.P., Shodorova S.Y. Definition of Conditions for Changing the Type of 3-Phase Reactions in

Systems V-Zr-Cr // Russ. J. Phys. Chem. A. 2015. V. 89. No 13. P. 2331-2338.

18. Lutsyk V.I., Vorob'eva V.P., Zelenaya A.E. 3D Reference Book on the Oxide Systems Space Diagrams as a Tool for Data

Mining // Solid State Phenomena. 2015. V. 230. P. 51-54.

19. Lutsyk V., Zelenaya A. Crystallization paths in SiO2-Al2O3-CaO system as a genotype of silicate materials // Építőanyag - Journal of Silicate Based and Composite Materials. 2013. V. 65. P. 34-38.

20. Lutsyk V., Zelenaya A., Zyryanov A., Nasrulin E. Computer Models of Phase Diagrams for Ceramic Systems. TiO2-SiO2- Al2O3 and ZrO2-SiO2-Al2O3 // Ibid. 2016. V. 68. P. 52-55.

21. Lutsyk V.I., Vorob’eva V.P. 3D Model of the T-x-y Diagram of the Bi-In-Sn System for Designing Microstructure of Alloys

// Russ. J. Inorg. Chem. 2016. V. 61. P. 188-207.

22. Lutsyk V. Solidification paths confirmation by the mass balances // Abstracts XIV Intern. Conf. on Physics of Thin Films and

Nanostructures. Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine. 2013. P. 50. http://www.pu.if.ua/inst/phys_che/start/conference_14/abstracts/pdf/14_pr_31.pdf

23. Lutsyk V. Heterogeneous materials genome decoding within the ternary systems // Abstracts 13th Intern. Symp. on Physics of

Materials (ISPMA 13). Prague, Czech Republic. 2014. Section C. P. 168.

24. Lutsyk V. Heterogeneous design: multicomponent systems engineering by means of equations for the homogeneous regions borders // Proceed. 12th Intern. Conf. on Fundamental and Applied Aspects of Physical Chemistry. Belgrade, Serbia. 2014. V. 1. P.


25. Lutsyk V.I. Mathematical Support for the Materials Genome Initiative // Mathematics, its application and mathematical education: Proceed. V Intern. conf. Ulan-Ude: Publ. House of ESSTU. 2014. P. 367-371.

26. Lutsyk V. Materials genome decoding by means of phase diagrams // Proceed. All-Rusian Scientific Conf. with International

Participation «II Baikal Materials Science Forum». Ulan-Ude: BSC Publ. House. 2015. V. 1. P. 81-82. http://www.binm.ru/books/2015/02_BMF2015_Vol1.pdf

27. Lutsyk V., Vorob’eva V. Computer models of phase diagrams to design the materials of additive technologies // Proceed. Intern. Conf. “Additive Technologies: Present-day and the Future”. Moscow, VIAM. 2015. http://conf.viam.ru/conf/163/proceedings

(In Russian)

28. http://www.iccmtp4.eu/iccmtp4.php?title=Plenary%20and%20Keynote%20Speakers&contr=&kod=&idu=26

29. http://www.iccmtp4.eu/subjects.php?contr=&kod=&ide=13&title=Phase%20Diagram%20as%20a%20Tool%20of%20Materi als%20Science