Научные труды

Lutsyk V. I.
ОТ КОМПИЛЯЦИИ ГРАФИКИ К СБОРКЕ КОМПЬЮТЕРНЫХ ПРОСТРАНСТВЕННЫХ МОДЕЛЕЙ ФАЗОВЫХ ДИАГРАММ СОСТОЯНИЯ // НАНОМАТЕРИАЛЫ И ТЕХНОЛОГИИ: Труды международной молодежной школы-семинара по современным проблемам материаловедения (22.08.2016 – 26.08.2016, Улан-Удэ). Научный редактор: Дамдинов Б. Б., - Улан-Удэ: Издательство Бурятский государственный университет, 2016. - С. 36-44.
544.344.4  10.18101/ 978-5-9793-0898-2-36-44
Обсуждаются проблемы сборки многомерных пространственных фазовых диаграмм (ФД) состояния многокомпонентных систем. Компьютерные пространственные модели ФД становятся эффективным инновационным инструментом материаловедения.
Ideas to assemble the constitutional phase diagrams (PD) as a set of its surfaces or phase regions are discussed. Computer space models of PD became the effective tool of materials science.
сборка фазовых диаграмм, пространственные модели, комплекс, симплекс, поолэдрация, 3(4)-фазные области со сменой типа реакции, расчет материальных балансов
phase diagram assembling, space model, complex, simplex, po- lyhedration, 3(4)-phase regions with the reaction type changing, calculation of mass balances.
1. We remember him so… / Devoted to the 70th Anniversary of the Corresponding-member of the USSR Academy of Sciences M.V. Mokhosoev. Ulan-Ude: BSC Publ. House. 2002. P. 39. (In Russian)

2. MokhosoevM.V., Alekseev F.P., Lutsyk V.I. Constitutional phase dia- grams of the molybdate and tungstate systems. Novosibirsk: Nauka Publ. House, Siberian Branch, 1978. 319 p. (In Russian)

3. Gilbert E. Eat, Pray, Love: One Woman’s Search for Everything across It- aly, India and Indonesia. Bloomsburypbks (#1 New York Times bestseller). 2006. P. 7.

4. Lutsyk V.I., Mank V.V., MokhosoevM.V. Surface of primary crystalliza- tion in ternary system Li2SO4-K2SO4-MoO3 // J. Inorgan. Chem. 1977. V. 22, №10. P. 2827-2830. (In Russian)

5. Lutsyk V.I., Makarevskaya V.V. Fusing diagrams of system K2SO4- Cs2SO4-MoO3 // USSR Academy of Sci. Proceedings. Inorganic Materials.1978. V. 14, № 3. P. 932-934. (In Russian)

6. Site of the computer-aided materials engineering sector IPMS SB RAS http://ctj.isuct.ru/?q=node/2047 http://ipms.bscnet.ru/labs/skkm.html http://ctj.isuct.ru/files/2012/v55_n09_2012_abstracts_en.pdf .

7. Lutsyk V.I. Liquidus surface analysis in the ternary systems. Moscow: Nauka Publ. House. 1987. 150 p. (In Russian)

8. Lutsyk V.I., Vorob’eva V.P., Sumkina O.G. Simulation of the quaternary systems phase diagrams. Novosibirsk: Nauka Publ. House (Siberian Branch).1992. 199 p. (In Russian)

9. Lutsyk V.I., Zelenaya A.E., Zyryanov A.M. Multicomponent systems si- mulation by the software of “Diagrams Designer” // J. Materials, Methods & Technologies. Intern. Scientific Publ. 2008. V. 2. Part 1. P. 176-184.

10. Lutsyk V.I., Vorob’eva V.P. Relation between the Mass-Centric Coordi- nates in the Multicomponent Salt Systems //Z. Naturforsch. A. 2008. V. 63a. No7-8. P. 513-518.

11. Lutsyk V.I. Geometric and thermodynamic myths of the phase diagrams researchers // Abstr. III International conference HighMatTech. Kiev. 2011. P. 70.

12. Lutsyk V. Space models of constitutional diagrams as a new tool of ma- terials science // Proceed. XV Khariton's topical scientific readings. Internation- al Conference “Extreme states of substance. Detonation. Shock waves”. Sarov,2013. P. 230-233.

13. Lutsyk V. Phase diagram as a tool of metallurgist and materials scien- tist // Proceed. 46th Intern. October Conf. on Mining and Metallurgy. Bor, Ser- bia. 2014. P. 148-151.

14. Lutsyk V.I., Vorob’eva V.P. Computer models of eutectic type T-x-y di- agrams with allotropy. Two inner liquidus fields of two low-temperature modifications of the same component // J. Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry. 2010. V. 101. No 1. P. 25-31.

15. Lutsyk V., Zelenaya A. Computer model for T-x-y diagram with a binary compound decomposed at high temperatures // ECS Transactions. 2010. V. 25. No 25. P. 31-41.

16. Lutsyk V.I., Vorob'eva V.P. T-x-y Diagrams Computer Models for Lead-Free Soldering Systems // IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 2011. V. 18. No 9.http://iopscience.iop.org/1757-899X/18/9/092016/pdf/1757-899X_18_9_092016.pdf.

17. Lutsyk V.I., Vorob'eva V.P. Matrix solution for Polyhedration of Na-K- Ca-Cl-N-O, Na-K-Mo-W-F-O and Na-Ba-B-F-O Systems // IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 2011. V. 18. No 22. http://iopscience.iop.org/1757-899X/18/22/222005/pdf/1757-899X_18_22_222005.pdf.

18. Lutsyk V.I., Sumkina O.G., Savinov V.V., Zelenaya A.E. Precision of the eutectic points determination by the isopleths // IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 2011. V. 18. No 16. http://iopscience.iop.org/1757-899X/18/16/162021/pdf/1757-899X_18_16_162021.pdf

19. Lutsyk V., Zelenaya A. Improvement of the Method to Search Low- melting Solvents for the Crystals MВаNa(ВО3)2 (M=Sc,Y) Growth // Solid State Sciences. 2012. V. 14, Issues 11-12, P. 1604-1608.

20. Lutsyk V.I., Zelenaya A.E., Zyryanov A.M. Search of Low-Temperature

Solvents Using Nonplanar Tie-Lines // Crystallography Reports. 2012. V. 57. No 7. P. 111-114.

21. Lutsyk V.I., Vorob’eva V.P., Sumkina O.G. Triangulation of Salt Sys- tems with Barium Borate // Ibid. P. 115–125.

22. Lutsyk V., Vorobjeva V., Parfenova M. Quaternary Reciprocal Systems with the Inner Diagonals: Variants of Polyhedration // Advanced Materials Re- search. 2013. V. 704. P. 55-60.

23. Lutsyk V.I., Vorobeva V.P., Sumkina O.G., Lamueva M.V. Polyhedra- tion of Multicomponent Mineral Systems // IFAC Proceedings Volumes (IFAC- PapersOnline). 2013. V. 15 (Part 1). P. 288-293.

24. Lutsyk V.I., Vorobeva V.P., Zyryanov A.M., Shodorova S.Y. Correction of T-x-y Diagrams for Lead-Free Solders // Ibid. P. 371-376.

25. Lutsyk V.I., Vorob’eva V.P. (2014) Algorithm for Topological Correc- tion of Lists of Simplexes of Different Dimensions for Polyhedration of Multicomponent Systems // Russ. J. Inorg. Chem. 2014. V. 59. P. 956–970.

26. Lutsyk V.I., Vorob’eva V.P. Search for Internal Diagonals in Polyhedra- tion of Reciprocal Systems by the Algorithm for Topological Correction of Lists of Simplexes of Different Dimensions // Russ. J. Inorg. Chem. 2014. V. 59, No.10. P. 1123–1137.

27. Lutsyk V.I., Vorob’eva V.P. Three-Dimensional Model of Phase Dia- gram of Au–Bi–Sb System for Clarification of Thermodynamic Calculations // Russ. J. Phys. Chem. A. 2015. V. 89. P. 1715-1722.

28. Lutsyk V.I., ZelenayaA.E. 4D space models of quaternary systems for the phase diagrams graphics correction // IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering. 2016. V. 123. 012036 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/123/1/012036. P. 1-4.

29. Lutsyk V.I., Vorob’eva V.P. Topological Correction of Multicomponent Systems Polyhedration // Ibid. 012037 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/123/1/012037. P. 1-4.

30. Lutsyk V.I., Vorob’eva V.P., Shodorova S.Ya. Verification of the T-x-y Diagram of the Ag-Au-Bi System Using a 3D Computer Model // Russ. J. Inorg. Chem. 2016. V. 61. P. 858-866.

31. http://asf.ural.ru/VNKSF/Orgcomitet/science_v22.html (Materials Science — 18) http://asf.ural.ru/VNKSF/Program/plenum.html (Materials Science — 18) http://asf.ural.ru/VNKSF/Itogi/re_v22/Nauka/Analisist-otchet- VNKSF-22.pdf

http://asf.ural.ru/VNKSF/Tezis/v22/Programmka-VNKSF-22.pdf (Materials Science — 18)

32. Lutsyk V.I. Computer models of Т-х-уиТ-х-у-z diagrams to decide the applied and fundamental problems of materials science: Educational service of the International youth industrial engineers Forums «Engineers of Future» http://www.enfuture.ru/enfuture/c15 http://www.enfuture.ru/enfuture/c21 http://www.enfuture.ru/services/23.

33. http://www.miramodus.com

34. Lutsyk V.I., Vorobjeva V.P., Parfenova M.D. Students' business inchemical education and materials science // II Intern. Scientific-practical confe- rence "Innovative Perspectives of Donbass". V. 4. Donetsk: DSTU Publ. House,2016. P. 115-119.

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36. Harrison J. Soap Film Solutions to Plateau's Problem // J. Geom. Analysis. 2012. V. 24. P. 271-297.